How Can You Resolve the Facebook Page Unpublished Issue Quickly?

We often come to hear from several people that, over one night, their Facebook Page unpublished or removed from the platform. It can be caused due to some issues like you violating the rules and community standards or someone reporting your Facebook page due to some actual reason.

It can be a big problem if you are relying only on the Facebook platform to generate revenues or connect with your audience/customer. And when you see you can’t approach your audience, it will frustrate you.

But the good news is, the page isn’t gone for good. There are still chances that you can get it back. If you don’t know how you can get your page back from Facebook, then this article is for you.

Here we are going to talk about some tips and ways that can actually help you get your unpublished page back. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Understand Why Your Page Was Unpublished

The first thing that you have to do is to find the issue due to which your Facebook page is unpublished. When you create a business page on Facebook, they also provide you with some terms & conditions, as well as rules that you have to follow.

If you violate any of them, there might be chances that Facebook will remove or unpublish your business page without giving a first warning.

So, if you think you have violated any of Facebook’s rules, then you have to send an apology in the form of an appeal and ask them to republish your page on Facebook.

The next heading is all about how you can send an appeal to Facebook to republish your page on board.

Taking Action to Get Your Page Republished

So, here is the answer to what you have been waiting for too long. If you want to republish your Facebook page, then here is the easy and quickest way to do that. It will doesn’t matter whether you have violated Facebook rules by mistake or Facebook has unpublished your page mistakenly.

The way we’re going to talk about it will help you.

  • The first step that you have to follow is you need to open your Facebook and go to the “Facebook Page” section.
  • After coming to the page, you will see there will be a pop-up with text and two buttons, just as shown below.
  • If you want to learn about why your Facebook page is unpublished, then you can click on “Learn More.” It will take you to the next page, where you will see all of their terms & conditions and rules.
  • But, if you know the issue of why your page is unpublished, then simply click on the button “Appeal,” and it will take you to the next page, where you will be able to send a request to Facebook.
  • You can also appeal a decision about your content to the Oversight Board. To do this, you must first go through the “request a review” process.
  • If you have any type of screenshot that can help the Facebook community to understand the issue, then attach it with your request.
  • If you violate the rule, send an apology request, but if your Facebook page unpublished by the community, then you have to mention it in your request.

Along with this, it might take some days to review your request about republishing your Facebook page. Typically, Facebook reviews the appeal in 5 business days and replies to your email or sends the alert or any update to your Facebook (in notifications).

Remember, after your Facebook page unpublished, you only have 15 days to send an appeal or request to the community, or otherwise, you will no longer be able to get your page back.

Preventing Your Page from Being Unpublished in the Future

So, after sending the appeal to the Facebook community regarding your unpublished page, now you should prevent yourself from making the same mistake (due to which your Facebook page unpublished) in the future.

To avoid any incident in the future, you should follow these tips:

  • You must not go against the Facebook guidelines, and you must review your page’s content every day to ensure compliance. Always stay updated on any changes Facebook makes to its guidelines to avoid future issues.
  • You have to avoid posting those content that is irrelevant or contains any type of disrespect. Your content should also be according to Facebook’s policies. Be mindful of the tone, language, and images you use in your posts to maintain a positive presence on your page.
  • Try not to use any copyrighted images or information on your Facebook page. Because if the Facebook algorithms detect it and find that it is taken from someone else’s content, your page will be penalized. Always make sure to use original content or get proper licenses for any third-party material.
  • Last but not least, you have to check the comments and feedback the audience is giving to your page. If any of the comment or feedback is negative and Facebook finds it, then it can unpublish your page. Regularly moderating the comments section and responding to negative feedback can help maintain a healthy environment. By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure your page stays compliant with Facebook’s rules and avoid any future complications.


So, this blog was all about how you can resolve the Facebook page unpublished issue in no time. It can happen to anyone’s page because sometimes we forget the community rules or we get negative feedback from the audience.

By following the steps discussed in this article, you can increase your chances of having your page republished. Besides, after your Facebook page is republished, you have to prevent the same mistake to avoid this incident in the future.


Q1: What Causes a Facebook Page to be Unpublished?

A Facebook Page may be unpublished for various reasons, including violations of Facebook’s community standards, such as sharing inappropriate content, engaging in spammy practices, or using copyrighted material without permission.

Q2: How Can I Check if my Facebook Page is Unpublished?

To check if your Facebook Page is unpublished, go to your page settings. If the status indicates that the Facebook Page is unpublished, you will see a notification stating that the page is not accessible to the public.

Q3: What Should I do if my Facebook Page is Unpublished?

If you find that your Facebook Page is unpublished, carefully review the notification from Facebook for specific reasons. You can appeal the decision by following the guidelines provided in the notification or by visiting the Facebook Help Center.

Q4: How can I Prevent my Facebook Page from Being Unpublished in the Future?

To avoid having your Facebook Page unpublished again, it’s essential to adhere strictly to Facebook’s community standards. Make sure to regularly review your content for compliance and avoid posting anything that could violate their policies.

Q5: What Happens to my Followers if my Facebook Page is Unpublished?

When your Facebook Page is unpublished, your followers remain intact, but they won’t be able to see or interact with your content until the Facebook Page is republished.